Dan and I enjoyed a very rare and impromptu dinner out together this evening. Our friend Frances gifted us some ‘time’ for a Christmas present and our big girls decided tonight was ‘the night’! They excitedly packed their bags, favourite books, teddy and duvet for a sleep-over at Frances house! Alice was too little to tag along, but naturally more than content to enjoy the undivided attention of Ma and Pa, whilst eating half our dinner.

It was the first evening meal out that Dan and I have enjoyed in a very long time – and relatively peaceful too (well, Alice doesn’t say much – just eats a lot, smiles and needs the occasional jig around)!
The food was divine (we ate at The Cheeky Pipi in Island Bay) and so nice to be able to dine somewhere relatively local, without driving into the hustle, bustle of town and having to look for a park.
Alice thought the pavlova was particularly special…

Such a lovely evening to see in the ‘nearly’ New Year! And Charlotte and Sophie had a wonderful time at Frances house – both asleep around 8.30pm!
This New Year Dan and I hope to enjoy a little more couple time (will have to actually schedule that in with our three busy whirlwinds!), eating our five plus a day (if we can get to the fruit bowl before our little darlings) and for me (what with Sophie joining Charlotte at school) using Alice’s nap time for my exercise time. Dan is cycling to and from work, and will be partaking in the soccer season.
So yoga it is for me and, for my mind, poetry! Stephen Fry’s book, ‘The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within‘ is just the tool for a ‘newbie’ like me that has long forgotten all that was taught in school about poetry (if you fancy freeing your creative side with some prose please join me for ‘Lyrical Sunday‘).
Cheers and wishing everyone a very Happy New Year 2011, where dreams are fulfilled, or at least the journey towards realising them is begun.