The challenge was set last week for no denim and no black. My wardrobe in summer is a lot more colourful and less denim dependent so when the sun came out on Friday (and stayed out for several days) I delved into the back of my wardrobe to my summer skirts with great excitement.
I love long, floaty skirts, that are cool, colourful and shade my legs from the harsh New Zealand sun. I love walking along the beach bare-foot with my skirt billowing around my legs like a sail. I love hoisting up my skirt to feel the splash of the surf on my ankles.
I ditched my Ugg boots and dusted off my jandals. My poor little tootsies haven’t seen the light of day in months and I gave my nails a lick of colour to make them jandal worthy.
I strung my wrists with beads and bangles, which Alice grabbed, clawed and chewed so much that I had to take them off and only put them back on when she had a nap!
This photograph was taken at the weekend, by my hubbie, but I’ve worn a skirt for five day’s in a row now! On Sunday I wore a black, short-sleeved top with my orange skirt and a bright pink scarf to match the pink trim at the bottom of the skirt. Hubbie remarked, ‘You look nice!’ – well there you have it – Wardrobe Wednesday is definitely worth it!

I came across the beautiful orange skirt in a shop in Picton. It’s originally from Nepal. The purple top is a much worn present from hubbie – an Icebreaker top. Underneath I’m wearing a black top from ‘Baby Star’ which is awesome for breastfeeding (got holes cut out where my bra is – so I can lift up my purple top to feed without tummy exposure – bravo!).
And to finish up I’m sharing this gorgeous hat that Charlotte decorated. She got it from the Warehouse and used fabric pens to decorate.

Visit Clare at Green Valley Crafts for links to other Wardrobe Wednesday Mummy bloggers (we’re a funny bunch!).