When was the last time I had a shower? Best I don’t confess. Sometimes taking a nap is more of a priority; especially when little Miss 8 month year old decides to practice her new found vocal chords in the middle of the night. In a matter of weeks she’s gone from not moving at all to crawling, pulling up to standing, trying to climb the stairs and gibbering like a cheeky chimp on a vitamin C orange high.
Today was definitely a hat day…

Whilst Charlotte was at dance class yesterday I made use of the ‘Zoo Crew’ pass to pop into the Zoo with Sophie and Alice. They’ve had a chimp born this week and a baby pygmy marmoset monkey (read the news here)! We didn’t see the baby chimp (hiding with Mumma) but Alice thought the goats were hilarious and loved making a din in the African village…

Looks like she’s taking after her big sister, Sophie.

I’m going to need something stronger than coffee to keep me going this weekend. Come back tomorrow to read all about ‘Cocktails at Naptime‘.