Way to go Charlotte! What an amazing experience!
You made it to the semi-finals of Nestle’s search for New Zealand’s next Milky Bar Kid. Over 1,500 children auditioned and you made the top 59!
The call back audition was a lot more work than we anticipated. We turned up, one windy, rainy Friday afternoon, at a run down looking building in Mount Victoria. We walked up the stairs and opened the door into warm, waiting room. We were met by two lovely ladies who said they would be doing your hair and getting you a shirt, neck tie and hat to wear (you’d already gone to the effort of wearing your best cowgirl outfit, as that’s what you’d been asked to do, so you were a little confused that you were going to be dressed up!).
There were a couple of other girls in the room, who were also auditioning. They’d already been dressed up and looked great. We were told that you’d need to learn a few lines and some acting prompts. This was a surprise too! You thought you’d be doing the same script you’d learned for the audition video and having to learn something new made you very nervous – especially as we were in a room full of people and the other girls had already been practicing and were speaking the lines very well.
I really felt for you and when you went very quiet I thought you might say, ‘I want to go home’. I would have been more than happy to have taken you home, but I’m so proud of you for finding the nerve to see the audition through. You were one of the youngest there, with the auditions being for 7 to 9 year olds and you only turned 7 at the end of June. You did so well Charlotte and we are all so proud of you!
You went through to the audition room by yourself. You told me later that there were four people in the room and you had to say the new lines in front of a camera. Wow! I would have been nervous!
After the audition was over you then had to wait for a professional photo shoot! Blimey! You did so much! What an experience!
I hope we get a copy of one of the photographs, because you looked amazing.
After the audition you were so hopeful that you might be in the top 10 finalists, but it was a tough audition and your first experience of anything like this. I didn’t want you to get your hopes up too high and I think you understood when I tried to explain how some of the other children auditioning had some acting experience and it was a tough competition. You said, in your wonderful determined spirit, ‘Never mind if I don’t get in this time, I’ll try again another time!’.
We find out who the top 10 finalists are on Monday and even if you don’t make the finals Charlotte – you are definitely our top girl and deserve a BIG bar of chocolate x Well done!
Milkybar Kid Search – 59 shortlisted: NZ Herald
Milkybar Kid Semi-Finalists Chosen: Nestle Press Release
Nestle Milky Bar search for the new Milkybar Kid Competition 2010