Howling southerlies and hail do not make for a very welcome start to Term 4, not that the girls were particularly disconcerted.

They chucked on their rain-coats (at my suggestion – they would have been happy to run out in bare feet!) and dashed out side to touch the hail and check on their ‘Happy Den‘.

Alice thought her sisters were hilarious and thankfully hasn’t reached the age of wanting to join them in everything they do. She was more than happy to touch hands through the window.

Spring has taken a temporary hiatus, but the forecast does promise a return to sunshine and all things pretty very soon. For today I am grateful to hubbie for doing the drop offs, whilst Alice and I stayed warm. We shall spend the morning staring out through the window pane in a very quiet house. We shall both miss the sounds of Charlotte and Sophie dancing in and out.

But it’s only ten week’s till they break up for the long summer holidays; by which time Alice will be crawling at a frightening pace, cruising the furniture and tackling the stairs and the Christmas tree with the determination of her Aunty Claire scaling a cliff face. Silly season here we come, with the school fair, the kindi fair, a dance show and rehearsals, the build up to Sophie’s 5th Birthday Party and, of course, Christmas!