It’s been two weeks since I visited the doctor and sought help for mild-depression. The medication made me feel really tired and fuzzy headed at first and I haven’t been running as a result. On the up side I haven’t been weepy or felt tense and angry. And today, for the first time, I felt a little more like my old self. I walked up to school with Charlotte and felt really positive within. When I came home, with Alice sleeping soundly, I walked around the garden, enjoying the changing sights of spring and basking in the sunshine.

At lunch time, after collecting Sophie from Kindi, we went for a lovely lunch at Super in Island Bay (they do the best bacon butties and have a gorgeous ‘secret garden’ out the back – very popular with parents and ‘littlies’). I really should write a glowing blog review on the cafe for ‘The Undercover Bloggers‘.

Anyway, with the sun shining and Alice well rested I decided we’d swing by the playground in Island Bay before heading home. It’s perfectly located to take in the sea views and we had a gorgeous time there.

Sophie had fun climbing, swinging and sliding. Even with a cold she has the most tremendous, unstoppable energy.

Alice enjoyed a whizz down the slide on Sophie’s lap and a go in the swing.

Before Alice got too tired we headed home, where Sophie played out some more in the garden and helped me clean up the old baby swing for Alice – which she LOVED!

Charlotte had dancing after school, which Frances took her to, so it was just me, Sophie and Alice. Alice had a lovely nap about 3ish, whilst Sophie had some much needed quiet time (she wanted to bake, but I couldn’t face it and she really did need some time to veg – as did I!), and by 5pm we were all refreshed for Charlotte’s return. Charlotte & Sophie have been getting on so well lately and played beautifully together this evening.
Ah, sunshine and prozac! Life is looking up again x
And one look at this cherub’s sparkling eyes makes all things right…