We were all set for a play-date this morning, but Alice had me tossing and turning a bit in the night and Charlotte sounded heavy with a cough first thing. I canned the play-date and proclaimed a ‘Pyjama Day’.
We started with Disney Sing Star after breakfast:

Made chocolate chip cookies for morning tea:

Followed with a jam session on the keyboard and guitar:

Then we decided to have some fun in the rain:

And check the mail (because we don’t have a letter box in our front door like in the UK, instead we walk to the bottom of the drive-way):

Had a warm bath in the middle of the day:

Played in the mud in the garden (I was watching from the kitchen, busy doing the dishes and minding Alice – alas no photos!).
And got out the lego, whilst Alice conked out for a nap mid-feed (me looking lovely in p-jays, pulled back hair and not a smidgen of make-up – very brave posting this photo up)!

Frances rode in at a little past 3.00pm, like the calvary, to take Charlotte and Sophie off to the swimming pool to burn off some steam. Mummy and Alice retreated to bed for a wee nap before dinner, bath and bed… still haven’t adjusted to daylight saving – they went to sleep before 9.00pm – just.
A great Pyjama Day and guess what… it’s STILL raining!
For more holiday fun ideas visit…
Simoney at Greatfun4kids has some fun holiday ideas in her ‘Recipe for Fun‘ post.
Sophie at Little Gumnet has a ‘Holiday Fun‘ post inviting others to link up with their school holiday fun ideas.