ME TO CHARLOTTE: Can you take a quick photo for Wardrobe Wednesday?
CHARLOTTE: What’s that?
ME: Oh, it’s just a bit of fun I do on the blog each week. I post up a photo of myself and other Mums do the same on their blogs.
CHARLOTTE: Why do parents do that? (With a tone of ‘parents are so weird sometimes’.)
ME THINKING: ‘She’s right. Why am I doing this?’
ME: It’s just a bit of fun.
CHARLOTTE: Oh, okay then. There. You look like a vampire.
ME: Thanks!!
ME THINKING: ‘Why am I do this? Listing of reasons in my head to compensate for the niggling knowing that this is a bit weird.
It’s fun; it’ll be cool to look back on what I’m wearing each week (Inner voice: ‘But who cares what you’re wearing! Do you care?’); I enjoy looking at what other people are wearing; I feel connected to other Mums; It’ll be fun to have photos of me, not just the children, to look back on in years to come; I’m not afraid to make a fool of myself (Inner voice: ‘But you didn’t ask Charlotte to take your photo until you’d brushed your hair and put on a little make-up.’)… and so it goes on: I THINK TOO MUCH ABOUT RUBBISH!
So, here I am!
Shoes from the Warehouse.
Jeans from somewhere I don’t remember and I have a sleeping baby on my lap so I’m not going to look at the label.
Pink top from Icebreaker (present from hubbie a couple of years ago).
Black top from Out there Clothing.
It’s 10am and I’m up in my bedroom with Alice asleep on my lap. The girls are welcoming in an old friend and her Dad, who’s just arrived at the door (Charlotte used to go to Kindi with Inde and then she moved to Oz just before she turned 5). I’ve told Charlotte and Sophie to offer Adam (Inde’s Dad) a coffee and I’m listening to see what they do – tee hee, it’s funny. Sophie said, ‘But we can’t make him a coffee.’ I said, ‘But you can tell him he’s welcome to help himself.’ Sophie then said, ‘Ah ha! He can make us a fluffy!’
I better shift myself downstairs with sleeping Alice and be a good host.
We’re off to Empire cinema in Island Bay later to watch, ‘Despicable Me’ (well, the big girls are with Frances – bit much for Alice). We’re seeing ‘Zappo‘ the magician first.
Here’s the trailer if you’re interested – it’s all I’m going to see of it until it comes out of DVD (I can’t remember the last film I saw at the cinema!):
It’s raining out, so definitely a catch up with friends and movie day. Have a great day all! x
Visit Clare at Green Valley Crafts for links to other Wardrobe Wednesday Mummy bloggers (we’re a funny bunch!).