It’s Charlotte’s turn with the camera this week, as she’s at home with a cold that’s dragging her down and leaving her with a croaky voice and nasty cough. She took this photograph of me this morning (after I’d put on a load of washing, done the hoovering and cleaned up the kitchen after breakfast).

Good ‘ole EMU boots (that are really looking worn after much comfort wearing this winter), ‘jeggings’ from Pumpkin Patch (I squeeze into the young adult stuff there – tee hee I am a little pixie), stripy jumper from ‘Supre‘ and black hoody from ‘Out there Clothing‘. I picked up my ‘teething bling’ necklace, made by ‘Smart Mom Jewelry‘, from Baby Star and Alice loves to get her jaw round it and dribble down my clothes – delightful.
Visit other Kiwi Mummy bloggers for their Wardrobe Wednesday here.