I like to think that this tree is smiling at me and my family. Its branches wave hello to us as we greet it with our eyes each day. The leaves wink green at us in the breeze and signal ‘go’ for brighter days to come. It’s been a rough week of weather around the country, but still this tree smiles and continues to thrive, growing visibly by the day. And as the longer, brighter days take hold, the sound of my children’s laughter in the garden will ripple across the tree’s boughs and tickle it right down to its roots.

I look at it every morning as I draw back the landing curtains and every evening as I close them. Each trip up and down the stairs, with a basket of laundry or child in hand, is greeted with its unfurling leaves. I wish I’d taken a photograph every day for the past week and put them together in a slide-show as the change from the barren nothing of winter to the virgin green growth of spring is happening so fast.

A smile can come in many guises and this week mine is leafy green with the hope of sunshine on top 🙂
Visit The Gallery at Sticky Fingers for more photographs. This week’s theme is ‘A Smile’.