Last week was a busy one for Charlotte with a school show, in which she was proud to be ‘a rock’! For the past few weeks the junior classes have been creating costumes out of various materials for their own version of the ‘World of Wearable Arts’ (WOW) show. Charlotte’s class had a marine theme and were split into groups of four to work on producing an animal costume, whilst the others in the group wore ‘background’ costumes (rocks, seaweed etc.).
Charlotte’s really enjoyed the creativity going on in class and been very interested in materials and what she can reuse around the house. She put Daddy’s beer bottle tops to great use on her rock costume by painting them brown and sticking them on to resemble barnacles.
As well as the WOW Show, Charlotte auditioned for her end of term performance assembly and got through. So on Friday morning Charlotte performed a dance from her Grade 1 Jazz Exam (which she got awarded an ‘Honours’).
Ka pai Charlotte!

Here’s a little video of her class performing their ‘Marine’ theme in the WOW show and Charlotte performing in her end of term performance. Way to go Charlotte, we’re so proud of you!