‘I can’t wait to go to circus school! Only one more year till I am 8,’ Charlotte enthused to the man supporting her as she balanced on the cog wheel.
We were at the Petone Winter Carnival and the Wellington Circus Trust was there giving children and adults an opportunity to run away with the circus for an afternoon.
Charlotte balanced plates and toyed with the hula-hoops….

Sophie and her friend got their faces painted, donned a couple of hats and acted with great theatrics…

Alice watched with bright-eyes. Her gaze clocked everything from the sea of faces and stilt walkers, to the seagulls looking for scraps and the ponies on the beach.

Her ears couldn’t miss the screams of thrilled children riding on the mini-roller coaster and dizzy with glee on the tea-cup ride. For just $5 the children could ride on a choice of three rides as many times as they liked. Charlotte, Sophie and her friend had a very fun time, whilst we looked on.

The fresh, sea air made our appetites swell. The smell of the food-carts triggered taste-buds.
‘Doughnuts! Doughnuts!’ cried the girls with demanding excitement, too strong a request to possibly refuse.
Alice watched on, refusing to drink Mummy’s milk with all the distractions of the carnival and interesting food on offer. She reached for my burrito and sampled a chip or too. She sipped from my water bottle.
Finally inescapable tiredness took over and she slipped into a nap as we wandered along the beach.
The fire sculptures were being erected, ready to be burned at sun-down before the firework finale. Too late for us to stay with little Alice, but memories of last year linger on. Photographer Alan Raga captured the magic.
We took our time on the beach to participate in a unique candle installation by local artist Jo-Jo Garcia-Jowetton. The idea was to light a candle in remembrance of those loved ones who have now passed. Charlotte, in particular, was very touched by the symbolism and carried her candle around for ages, moving it from one piece of driftwood to another, before choosing a final resting place.

Thoughts of my dear Grandmother, who passed in 2007, Grandfather, Nana and Uncle Ken brought a tear to the corner of my eye. There was such a peaceful feel surrounding the candles twinkling amidst the driftwood artfully placed on the beach.

As dusk approached the children started to tire and so we made our way home. The scene was beautiful and a perfect evening for fireworks.

The children were so happy in the car home and we were glad to get back early enough to wind down for the night. The return drive by the harbour was quite impressive, with a front rolling in as the Interislander ferry sailed into view. But the sky was truly extraordinary for Domestic Executive (a blog I love to follow, with breath taking photography).

The children went to sleep dreaming of fairground fun and circus thrills. No high trapeze for them on this occasion (I think their last experience in March left quite an impression!), but we anticipate plenty of clowning around and juggling in the years ahead!