Whoop! Whoop! Spring is sooooo ready to spring (1 September officially in New Zealand). Strawberries are in the supermarket (all be it Australian ones), daffodils are blooming in the garden and filling our vases, the buds on the silver birch tree in the garden (one of our few deciduous trees, marker of the seasons and link to our English roots) is budding. Some mornings I’m opening the windows to give the bedrooms an air, as the sunlight warms up the corners of the house.
We are all LOVING playing out in the garden again. Sophie has planted peas, strawberries and filled empty pots with ‘instant’ colour…

Charlotte & Sophie are working hard to give their cubby house a ‘make over’ with a lick of paint…

Alice is trying on some shades for size in preparation of the sunny seasons…

And she’s sitting mighty fine, with her two pearly whites, at six months…

She is loving the warmer weather too and sat out in the garden, jumping in her little play-saucer, giggling at me mowing the lawn today. She’s taken to solids so quickly and LOVES her food. She is enjoying mince-meat, broccoli, Cruskits, toast, baby yoghurt, custard, pear, carrots, crumpets, potatoes, baby museli… she is so easy to feed and taking food off a spoon (and feeding herself – very messily – with one too) as well as enjoying finger food and experimenting with all the new textures. I am NOT loving all the extra cleaning, but quickly adapting and making it a part of my day with as much positivity as I can muster.
I am NOT loving Alice waking up and needing to be resettled every hour some times. She is totally dependent on me to go to sleep. I am what she associates with sleep and I really need my big girls to give me a little time in the evening so I can start putting Alice to sleep at least partially awake (instead of falling asleep on my shoulder whilst I read with my big girls – as cute as this is). I know I need to make a change, but I LOVE reading with my big girls (currently indulging in everything from Roald Dahl & good ‘ole Harry Potter to old fashioned fairy tales and the Railway Children). I am digging out the pearls of wisdom Elizabeth Pantley writes beautifully about in her book, ‘No Cry Sleep Solution’ and introducing sleep aids of music and a baby sleeping bag. I’m not feeding her to sleep all the time, but quite often she just wants to be in my arms. I’m working at laying her down a little more awake and not completely in a deep sleep. It’ll take a while – as I like to do things gradually, but I know (from previous experience) these methods will work…. in a month or so. Meanwhile, I go to bed early each night and manage to survive 🙂 At least she is asleep from around 7pm to 7am – even if she is in my arms. And she does nap well. She doesn’t cry. She is full of smiles and I am convinced she’s started waving – at everyone – even random strangers 10 metres behind me!
LOVING one on one time (when I can get it). Last Friday Charlotte, Alice and I (okay, strictly two on one) had a hot chocolate at Maranui surf cafe (LOVE Maranui & hot chocolates on a Friday afternoon!)…

On the way home we saw the Westpac Trust helicopter doing a training exercise and made an impromptu stop. It was a beautiful evening and Charlotte clambered on the rocks with such free delight, whilst Alice kicked her legs and giggled at the tide gently lapping on the shore.

A Dad from school was down there too – waiting for the helicopter to finish up so that he could row out and retrieve a net he’d left close to shore. His patience was rewarded with a good catch of four large Kahawai, which we were very impressed with. I phoned Frances and she came down with Sophie, before we returned home to cook a home made pizza. LOVE impromptu moments by the beach, with the sun casting a red glow on distant hills.
What are you loving, not loving lately?
(Inspired by Greatfun4kids)