Yes! What a way to start the weekend! On an endorphin high! Started the weekend off with my first jog since early pregnancy and it felt incredible. Round the bays, a beautiful morning. I jogged just under 5km in under half an hour and felt like I had more in me too. Looking forward to the next one already (though I’ll probably be hobbling about tomorrow!).

The sound of the waves, the gulls cawing over head looking for their breakfast, a random rooster crying out ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’.
The wind on my face, the spring in my step. The intoxicating feeling of lungs full of fresh air and muscles working hard.
Yes! Yes! Yes! These endorphins are sooooo good (she says punching the air and doing a hi-5).
The girls think I’ve gone mental. I’m jumping around the house like a crazy Easter rabbit.
Okay, back to reality. The washing machine is calling me….