I ordered a beautiful Mei-Tai from Oyako last week, having read about them on Juggling Motherhood’s ‘5 great finds‘. I already have a ‘front-pack’, but it’s heavy, bulky and doesn’t fold up easily in a bag. I love carrying my little ones for naps and trailing around after my older girls. When I saw the beautiful fabrics of Emily’s baby carriers I couldn’t resist – plus they are New Zealand made.

My Mei-Tai arrived on Wednesday. I road tested it straight away with a visit to the Zoo. Alice had a wonderful nap in it whilst I trailed Sophie and a couple of her Kindi friends. She even breastfed discreetly in it, whilst I continued to amble around.
On the home-front she’s napped whilst I’ve baked scones with Sophie, put the hoover round and strolled around the garden.
As soon as she starts to rub her little eyes and give a yawn I pop her in and she quietly nods off to sleep watching all that is going on around her.

I so love the freedom and flexibility baby carrying gives me. Alice sleeps happily with the rhythm and sound of life around her. I don’t have to stop what I’m doing with Charlotte & Sophie to settle Alice in a cot. I don’t need to worry whether or not I’ve switched on a baby monitor. I am free to wander out into the garden or down the drive to the mail box, knowing she’s safely in my arms sleeping.
A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.
— Victor Hugo —
In the morning she nods off whilst we’re still getting ourselves organized for the day and I’m then able to head out the door, with her napping peacefully, to walk Charlotte up to school. Flexibility is my best-friend and my Mei-Tai allows me to have this in natural style.
I walked down to the bay the other day, whilst Sophie was at Kindi and Charlotte at school. I stood with Alice sleeping peacefully at my chest and listened to the calming rhythm of the waves thinking, ‘This is bliss.’
It is the nature of babies to be in bliss.
— Deepak Chopra —