Dear Weather Gods, THANK YOU for listening and blessing the second week of the school holidays with such AMAZING weather!
It has been so easy to enjoy this week with such fine weather days. I have been ridiculously sleep deprived, but the Vitamin D dose has kept me going. Thursday was heaven sent and after a coffee with Daddy we parked up at Oriental Parade.

Charlotte and Sophie raced up and down on their bikes, with me racing them on foot and Alice chuckling gleefully from the buggy.
They played on the awesome climbing frame with friends and went looking for star-fish…

We marvelled at the yachts, barely moving on the calm, mirrored harbour…

And the girls sang to the sky…

After our two hour’s free parking we zipped round to Lyall Bay to continue our beach loving, until the intoxicating effect of sunshine and fresh air made us feel giddy.
Charlotte headed off to her dance workshop, whilst Sophie, Alice and I chilled out and baked choc-chip cookies.
This has been a top week (despite Alice only sleeping when in my arms and propped up for three night’s in a row – snuffles and sniffles to blame; but thankfully there’s been no tears – she’s such a happy bubba x).
We’ve loved beating out our own rhythm and getting into the groove of hanging out together again (for more on that theme check out the guest post I wrote over at Juggling Motherhood).
It’s a shame that school and kindi start back on Monday, as we could really do with another week of togetherness.