Sunshine Sunday with a beautiful coastal walk only a stone’s throw from our front door….

Seeing my girls come alive in the fresh air and baby Alice take a nap for the first time in the buggy (what a light relief for Mummy! She’s getting a tad heavy in the front pack these days!).

A Sunday afternoon at the theatre watching Swan Lake on Ice. It was BRILLIANT! Alice was quiet as a mouse and even had a nap in my arms, but then had to make an exit with Daddy toward the end of the second half; when she found her voice and started squawking like a parrot. The usher let them step back in for the finale (which was the best bit) when all the lady skaters got tossed high in the air and the men did lots of leaps and spins.
Sunshine Monday and we went to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo and the sun came too, too, too 🙂 Highlight was the ‘Amazing Animals’ show and seeing the chimpanzees being fed. And we saw a little blue penguin getting a new bandage on his foot (bless) and stroked a rat (lovely!). Charlotte & Sophie also took lots of random photographs of a character book mark from Charlotte’s school. The idea is to take a photo back to school with the bookmark in it and then all the photographs will be displayed around the school library.
By Charlotte & Sophie…. ‘Bookmark at the Zoo’:

Sunshine Tuesday (YES there’s been lots of sunshine over the past few days!).
With cycling on the waterfront (after a warm up hot chocolate with Daddy)…

Alice happily watched from the snuggly comfort of her buggy, whilst I jogged along. It felt AMAZING to be jogging along. I think I actually got an Oxygen HIGH! My body hasn’t ran since early pregnancy and combined with lots of lovely rays from the sun it was a fabulous feeling 🙂 I am LOVING that Alice is liking her buggy and long may this last so I can do more running.
We had a play at Frank Kitts playground…

And visited Wellington’s Museum of City and Sea…

There was a lovely exhibition on called ‘The Making of the Word Witch‘ and also ‘Farmer Fred’s Cow’. The girls looked at original illustrations and learned about what’s involved in making a children’s picture book. They then drew their own pictures and entered them into a postcard competition.
Love, Love, Loving the Sunshine (can’t you tell!).
Half way through the second week of the school holidays and it looks like we have more sunshine forecast to keep us on a high a little longer. After last week’s dismal weather I stocked up on some craft supplies on Saturday morning and am well prepared for the tail end of this week when the rain is forecast again 🙁