Kids Click competition, from Greatfun4kids, now has a blog site of its own and the competitions are running once a fortnight.
The theme for this fortnight is ‘YUCK’ and Charlotte (age 6) took this photograph of a terribly explosive, overflowing ‘nappy filler’ as she calls them:

We have plenty of these now that Alice’s stomach is larger and able to hold more!!! I’ve had to change a few nappy fillers in some strange and awkward places – most recently in the car, when there was a howling southerly and horizontal rain pelting against the window pain. The explosion went right through her nappy and covered all her clothes, requiring a delicate complete change… not easy in the cramped conditions of the car!
Sophie (age 4) took this photograph of Alice’s sick (all that breast milk, so lovingly made, gone to waste…):

If your children want to join in the fun then click here…