The theme for this fortnight’s ‘Kids Click’ competition is ‘This is Me’, with the mission…
‘You need to find a way to take a photo of yourself in a way that tells us something about what kind of person you are, or what kind of things you are into etc.’
Sophie, age 4, took this photograph by turning the camera around to face her. Sophie loves pulling funny faces!

Charlotte, age 6, took this photograph of herself after learning to use the self-timer on our camera. She dressed up for the photo shoot in a giraffe suit and jazz hat too!

This photo competition has brought lots of fun to the house this past week. We’ve taken so many photographs and it was hard for the girls to choose which one to enter. They also took lots of lovely ‘shadow’ photographs of themselves. I’m too old to enter (sigh!), but I took one of baby Alice and I whilst we were hanging out on the beach one sunny day this week – I just LOVE shadows!

If your children want to join in the fun then click here…