Charlotte you are seven! It always seemed a magic number to me and numerologists believe it is…

‘Sevens deal with esoteric, scholarly aspects of magic. Representative of scholarly activities, mystery, and the focused search for esoteric meanings. Seven deals with the activation of imagination and manifesting results in our lives through the use of conscious thought and awareness. Ruled by Saturn, Seven can represent impractical dreaming, but with a deeper understanding of the aspects of Seven, you can quite deftly utilize its magical vibration to your own benefit.’
I remember thinking ‘7’ was a very special age to be. You are at an age of discovery and learning. I’ve been wanting to write a special post to you all week, but we’ve been so busy preparing for your Birthday party. In the evenings I am so tired that I go to bed soon after you. Last night I think I was asleep before you! You’d been given some Roald Dahl books for your Birthday and were reading late. You came in to see me at 9.30pm and asked if I’d like to read what you’d been reading, an extract from ‘The Twits’; when the animals glue the entire contents of a house to the ceiling to trick Mr. and Mrs. Twit in revenge for their cruelty to animals. I love that you are so passionate about reading and that we share an appreciation of words. You are beginning to see the magic in words and how they can be woven to create a lasting picture in the mind. Some evenings we curl up together in your bed and read chapters to one another. You often carry on reading with your little ‘book’ light.

You love to write stories too and are often busy in your bedroom writing a story. You have quite a wicked sense of humour and your stories often involve fictional creatures and places. You like to draw too and illustrate your stories. There’s always a pile (or three!) of your notes and sketches in your room.

I can’t keep up with your learning of numbers (as you know, Mummy had to really ‘work’ at her numbers at school!). Thankfully Daddy is a whizz with numbers. You are working so hard on your times tables (I remember crying over those as a child!). You also share with Daddy a love of technology – and are currently creating ‘labyrinth’ interactive maze levels on the computer, which you then put onto the iPad to play. Daddy is often up late finishing off levels (you like to give him homework, tee hee!).
Your favourite hobby is dancing and you have a ‘dance work shop’ over the school holidays, when you’ll go every day for a week (for an hour a day), in preparation for your Grade 1 Jazz exam. I truly appreciate your love of dancing, as I loved ballet and jazz/modern with a passion and danced from the age of 4 till I was a teenager. Our home is often filled with music, dancing and singing. You and your sisters light up to the rhythm of music. You dabble at the piano, which of course I love, and you got a guitar for your Birthday, which you are so delighted with. We’ll soon be having little ‘jam’ sessions together, strumming melodic chords together. So that Sophie didn’t feel left out, we got her a little yellow ukulele (her favourite colour), for her ‘half year’ Birthday 🙂 You are so good at making Sophie feel involved and sharing with her.

You are a fabulous big sister, showing great patience and tolerance (which isn’t always easy – and something we all struggle with from time to time!).

Your baby sister Alice adores you and chuckles whenever you walk into the room. She is very fortunate to have you in her little world.

You love taking a bath with Alice and are so careful with her. Soon we’ll be able to take Alice in the swimming pool with us and she’ll be amazed at you bobbing under the water and playing ‘peek a boo’ with her. You are amazing in the water and can swim front crawl better than your Mummy and Daddy! You have a swim work shop over the school holidays and it won’t be long before you are teaching us 😉
We love the way you show your love for the world through words and pictures. Thank you for the little notes and pictures you leave around the house for us. Mummy has a hard job keeping up with the paper trail around the house, but it’s always lovely to find special messages from you… like this one you left on the fridge door… x

Happy Birthday again our dear Charlotte. It is a joy to watch you grow and learn. We had a lovely time celebrating your Birthday with you and thought it was so thoughtful of you to take in cup cakes for all your class friends. We had more cup cakes and jelly ready for you when you came home from school. Chinese Grandma & Grandad sent you some English money, which you went to change at the bank and then bought a fabulous Roald Dahl book to add to your collection. For dinner you asked for MacDonalds and seeing as it was your Birthday… (and you are a good girl and eat your fruit and vegetables x) we said, ‘Yes!’.

We love you so much x
Here’s a trip down Birthday memory lane… so many happy times and so many more to come x
6 – Star Wars Extravaganza
5 – Harry the Clown
4 – Zoo theme
3 – At Te Papa museum
2 – Thomas the Tank Engine
1 – Special first Birthday