You can come too, too, too… And you’ll see some amazing animals that will bring a tear to your eye at Auckland Zoo. Others will make you laugh, though the life of their mates in the wild is often far from a comedy. And some animals are definitely better off safely enclosed, especially cheeky ones […]
Month: May 2010
Browns Bay is where we’re hanging for the week :)
So, this is where we’re hiding out for a week. We spent Sunday morning exploring our locality and finding out that it’s home to a high populace of British and South African folk. Browns Bay is one of Auckland’s East Coast Bays suburbs. First observations… Everyone here seems to own a dog and Sunday morning […]
Penguins, Sting Ray and Sharks! [Day 2]
‘Penguins!’ we squealed as we ran over to the viewing window at Kelly Tarltons. ‘Daddy, Daddy, put your hand in here,’ Charlotte and Sophie dared with mischievous glee. The sign read, ‘See if you can last 30 seconds,’ and the water was freezing. We watched in awe as Daddy did it! We only lasted a […]
A welcome rainbow in Auckland and butterflies [Day 1]
Our arrival at Auckland Airport on Saturday was met by a hopeful rainbow in the sky. We’d left behind a week of wintery rain and wind and were hoping for slightly warmer temperatures in Auckland. We knew that rain was still likely, but rain is a lot more bearable when it’s not being blown horizontally […]
We’re out of here!
Bahhhhhhh! 5 day’s of rain in a row. 3 day’s of not leaving the house. There’s only so much scrabble, baking, painting and children’s T.V. a person can stomach. I’m done with the washing, the hoovering, the ironing and the scrubbing of fly poo from the window sills. I’m packing our suitcases and we’re leaving […]
Flowing with watercolours
Whilst the rain continues to lash down outside we have been flowing with watercolours inside. I know little of art techniques, but I do enjoy a quiet moment to draw or paint. I have fond memories, from my childhood, of whiling away hours drawing and painting, particularly on weekends away visiting extended family. Dan also […]
SkyWatch Friday: Last of the sun before the rains
This was the sky on Sunday, as we ran in the last hours of the setting sun. It’s now Thursday and we’ve been corked in with an oppressive grey sky, incessant rain and now the wind has started to throw its weight around. Few parts of the country have escaped and there is flooding in […]
I LOVE… [Kids Click]
Greatfun4kids blog is running a fun weekly photo challenge, ‘Kids Click‘, for children who love to snap photographs. This week’s theme is ‘I LOVE…’ And I love my baby sister, Alice. by me (Charlotte) age 6 going on 7 year’s old. For rules, and how to join in the fun, click here… UPDATE: Results are […]
Autumn sunshine
‘Let’s go for a walk,’ Charlotte said. Saturday morning and the sun was winking down on us with a nod to get outdoors and be grateful. Winter is beckoning, throwing us the occasional warning day of rain and wind, so each day of sunshine is one of grace. Time to put the baking, the board […]
Airport musings
When Dan flew into Wellington, on Friday lunchtime, Sophie, Alice and I were there to greet him. He’d only been away a couple of nights, but anyone watching the greeting he got would have guessed at weeks. Sophie threw her arms around him and Alice squealed with delight. Airports fill us all with emotion and […]
Scrumptious fairy cakes in the lunch boxes
On Wednesday we made fairy cakes, which Sophie and I decorated. They made a colourful addition to the lunch boxes for the rest of the week! Recipe here! It was a scrumptious time. You’ve got to try the fairy cakes. We scoffed the fairy cakes from our lunch boxes at morning tea. Yah! They were […]
Sack of potatoes: A father’s love
The magic relationship of a father and his daughters. They adore him, worship him, seek his approval and search out his praise. He is their play thing, their most loved toy. He riles them up and they passionately love it. He throws them in the air, hangs them upside down and struggles to say, ‘No,’ […]
Water play
Sunday afternoon, what shall we do? A photo shoot in the bath tub! Throw in some food colouring, blow up a few balloons, stir in a couple of ducks, random flippers and some leis… ta da!
Three month’s sweet :)
Alice, oh Alice, you have us all hook, line and sinker. Still holding on to your baby blues and happily tagging along wherever your big sisters need to be. We adore watching you explore and grab at life around you to smother in your love. Such a beautiful age of coos, giggles, smiles and twinkling […]