Warm, autumn sunshine continues to grace us this week and my twinkle toes are still happily feeling the air in a trusty pair of jandals. But it shan’t be long before I’m swapping my jandals for something warmer and my wonderful hubbie gave me permission to treat myself to a pair of Ugg boots. So on Wednesday, after dropping off the big girls, I headed into town with Alice for some shopping! We visited Miss Wong, but alas they didn’t have my size – but their partner store, Fusion, did! Yah! So, with Alice happily sleeping in the sling I strode on down to Fusion Surf Skate on Cuba Street to pick up a pair of delicious, chocolate brown EMU boots!
A very nice surfer dude helped me balance on one leg to try the boots on, whilst I tried to keep Alice asleep in the sling. But she woke up and the dude was all in awe of Alice, having never been around babies. Most young men I know pretend ‘the baby’ doesn’t exist – but this guy, bless his tanned biceps, was all of a goo over Alice. Very endearing! Anyway, the boots fitted like Cinderella’s glass slipper and the dude and I started to have a conversation about the awesome surf in Houghton Bay. When I mentioned how much I loved to watch the surfers down there he said, ‘You should try it!’. Erm, yep, just hold the baby for me will ya and I’ll climb into a rubber suit 🙂