I wish this week would never end. It’s been full of creativity, laughter, sunshine and cosy evenings. The day’s aren’t yet cold (or windy) enough to force us inside and the darker evenings are still a novelty to cosy up and enjoy.
We’ve not had to run for the school bell and pack little boxed lunches of cold food, but have got out the door early because we wanted to and have eaten cooked lunches with hearty appetites.
Charlotte has been endlessly creating, reading, writing and taking over my laptop to write blog posts!
Sophie has been non-stop talking, laughing, climbing, playing ‘Doodle Jump‘ on the iPhone (she’s seriously addicted – with a high score of over 25,000) and asking me to teach her piano (and actually listening and really learning too).

We’ve been to the museum (Te Papa) and made volcanoes, the art gallery (New Dowse) and decorated plant pots and checked out the new visitor centre at ‘Zealandia‘ (LOVE it!) – read a great review at Dawes Family in New Zealand. We’ve been swimming, had hair-cuts and gone shoe shopping. We’ve played at the beach and ran on the grass. We’ve baked chocolate brownies and tucked into home-made pizzas.
Alice has been cooing, smiling and becoming more wakeful during the day. She’s growing out of ‘the newborn’ and into the cute, young baby stage of charming everyone with her twinkling smile. She’s settling to sleep early in the evening and sleeping for a solid chunk of four or five hour’s (and most night’s I’m going to sleep then too – apart from Friday, which is movie night with hubbie). After that she wakes every couple of hours, but I’m well enough rested by then to cope and thanks to my wonderful hubbie surprising me with an iPhone for Christmas I am never bored. I’m getting quite addicted to middle of the night blog surfing!

A week for keeps that’s for sure.