Today was a perfect Friday – for those of us not having to work that is. Whilst Dan was extremely busy meeting deadlines, his girls were lapping up the Autumn sunshine. He’s been cycling to and from work most days, but this morning we drove him in and enjoyed a cuppa. We’re so loving the school holidays. Our family unit is so strong and connected when there is no school or kind in the mix. The girls are calm, happy and thriving with the freedom to be creative and adventure outdoors.
We spent this morning at Oriental Parade, cycling, playing and learning about the animals that live in Wellington harbour. There is a beautiful painted mural of the amazing animals that live in the harbour. Charlotte read out all the names to Sophie – both English and Maori (we all struggled on the scientific names – we could have done with ‘Chicken’ Granddad’s knowledge, as he learned Latin in school).
This afternoon, with Frances (who is my sanity saver at the moment – helping me out in the afternoons and early evening), we enjoyed the Botanical Gardens in Wellington. We were hoping to catch some Autumnal colours in the deciduous trees but it’s a little early, however the girls did spot a special mushroom (but alas no fairies). After feeding the ducks we had fun at the playground, with the girls enjoying a good half hour of thrilling rides on the flying fox. Sophie was introducing herself, to anyone that would listen, as ‘I’m Sophie. I am 4 year’s old and a thrill seeker!’.

Alice has been cruising along with the fun too – mostly sleeping in the sling, however she did give us some gorgeous coos in the gardens. She woke up for a big feed and then looked giddy with milk at the trees.

Tonight the girls were beautifully exhausted after today’s fresh air. They lay on the floor of the lounge, wrapped up in blankets. I switched off the lights, lit the candles and waited for Dan to come home. He came home a little after 7pm and we all headed upstairs for stories. The girls were sleeping soundly by 8pm leaving Dan and I to enjoy a film together (with little Alice fast asleep on Dan’s chest). It’s a rare treat to watch a movie, as Dan’s usually working till midnight most night’s and I’m heading to sleep as soon as the girls have gone to bed.
A perfect day and we’re looking forward to good family times over the weekend. Have a great one everyone 🙂