Charlotte’s first blog post:

On Saturday the 10th of April I went kayaking with my Dad. We saw lots of fishes in schools but best of all we saw a Giant Ray. The Ray was about as long as the paddle. We found it under the wharf near Te Papa. It was amazing. I was a little bit nervous because I thought the Ray would chase us. My Dad wanted to stay under there for longer.

We went zorbing as well that day. I saw a piece of small green seaweed under me. It looked all yucky and slimy. It’s like you’re floating on water. It’s a heap of fun.

It was one of the best days I’ve ever had in my life.
Note from Mummy:
Charlotte was amazing in writing this post. First she wrote the story on paper, then we edited it together before she typed it all in by herself! I only helped with a few spellings, all the rest was her own work. As she typed in the post she made some amendments and I told her that’s just how real writers work – 25% writing, 75% editing and more editing and more editing….
As for the typing, there are fabulous ‘learn to type’ games at BBC Schools – Dance Mat Typing. Charlotte’s just started learning, but I’m sure in time she’ll be churning out expresso blog posts!
We had a wonderful family day. Wellington really is unbeatable on a good day! Dan gave the girls a turn each on the kayak, whilst I watched with Alice. We enjoyed watching the helicopters taking off and landing!