The badge of honour – baby sick on the shoulder – is one Mummy is wearing frequently of late. Alice is seven week’s old today and looking plumptiously scrumptious. She’s feeding like a champ and has a big appetite. Mummy has been completely soaked to the skin several times due to her over-feeding (cheers Alice)! Mummy is fast developing radar sensor for upcoming spews and starting to take evasive action by quickly directing Alice’s mouth away from clothes and towards the floor (preferably not a nice carpeted area); but this doesn’t always work….

Everyone else in the family has managed to escape a drenching. Charlotte thinks this is all very hilarious and very befitting of the Andy Griffiths books she is currently addicted to (with titles such as ‘Just Disgusting’, ‘Just Stupid’ and ‘Just Ridiculous’).

Alice is not giving Mummy a whole lot of sleep between feeds, but Mummy’s going to bed early and with her trusty iPhone by the bed she can at least catch up on the news and blogs in the depths of the night. Such wizardry certainly makes for a much more entertaining night.
Alice is sharing Mummy’s bed at the moment as it’s just too tiring for Mummy to get up and down to put her in the cot – plus she’s such a guzzler that as soon as she’s laid flat she icks it back up or is uncomfortable with wind 🙁 As a consequence she spends much of the night propped up on Mummy’s chest. Alice is developing incredibly strong neck muscles with all the tummy time she’s getting on Mummy!
Taken on Mummy’s iPhone in the midst of the night:

Daddy is sleeping in the spare bed (as he gets no sleep or room in bed with Mummy and Alice – though he slips in for a cuddle for a few hours some nights). Charlotte has taken to sharing with Daddy (Mummy jokingly says, ‘Excuse me, you’re sleeping with my husband!’). Sophie is wanting lots of extra love too and Mummy or Daddy lie with her most nights as she drifts off to sleep. So the love is being shared all around.
Tonight, Charli and Sophie tried to sleep together, but after half an hour or so of giggles and laughter (which was so beautiful to listen in on) Charli decided she wasn’t going to be able to sleep with Sophie’s singing of lullabies (she doesn’t stop talking all day and the only way she can get to sleep is to sing herself off). Goodness knows how we’d get on trying to sleep together in a tent for the night!
This week and next Alice is blessed with the non-stop company of her big sisters as they are off school and kindi for two week’s. Hugs, coos, lots of love and sharing of the milk spews!
Tuesday morning coffee with Daddy before he starts work (Alice had just rewarded Mummy with the third badge of the day):