Large Baby eyes smiling joyfully at me,
Baby eyes as brown as can be.
Two deep pools most innocent and bright,
To me are symbols of sheer delight.
May I greet you every single day?
For you are sunshine on my way.
Other people see you smile so sweet,
All are happier when you they meet.
Eyes are the windows to the soul,
No difficulties for you reaching your goal.
So sweet baby go on life’s way,
Those Baby eyes have much to say.
It’s been a tiring week of night feeds and I’ve felt a little weepy at times, just out of sheer exhaustion. The other night, when I was crying tired tears, little Alice looked at me with her deep eyes and held my gaze with such calmness that I felt instantly better. Afterwards I found the poem above and all the tiredness is worth it when I look into my baby’s eyes. Alice must be on a growth spurt and at her ‘weigh in’ with my midwife on Friday it was heartening to find out my hard work was producing good results. Alice has put on around 300g a week and now weighs nearly 4.3kg, which Sophie didn’t weigh till 5 week’s and Charli till 7 week’s! I’m not surprised as she’s guzzling every couple of hours around the clock!