I was having ‘going back to school’ dreams this week, apprehensive of how the girls would react after nearly seven week’s of freedom. But I needn’t have worried. They were super good for me getting out the door and bounded into school and kindi with great excitement. Charli ran on ahead and into her new classroom to dump her bag and head out to play. The school playground was electric with excitement and it’s just as well there’s only two day’s this week for the children to settle in – as they were totally manic! Charli’s new teacher seems fabulous and she has some new faces in her class, which will be nice for her. She also has a few good friends from last year and seems elated to be back with them. She’s so young in her class, with most of her classmates almost a good half a year to a year older than her, but she thrives in the company of older children and is academically on the right level for her ability.

Sophie too was excited to be back at Kindi and within two minutes of passing through the gates she was saying, ‘Okay, you can go now Mummy!’. When I went to pick her up, with Grandma and Granddad in tow, she was standing proudly on the verandah ringing the cow bell to signal ‘mat time’, telling us, ‘I’ve been the best helper so I get to ring the bell!’.

School pick-up was a happy affair too. Glorious sunshine made for a jovial atmosphere and it was hard to get the children away from the school grounds.
We headed to Scorching Bay for a celebratory ice-cream and play in the fabulous summer sun. The girls would have happily stayed for hours, but by 5.30pm we thought we should be wise and head home to wind them down for a good sleep before tomorrow. Charli had so much fun inventing a ‘shooter’ with a straw and string she found – shooting out seaweed pellets. She then dug a trench for the incoming tide so she could watch a leaf float round in the stream. Sophie found a scooper on the beach (from a washing detergent packet) and used it to make mini-sandcastles, counting them as she went (she can now add and subtract, as well as problem solve, all numbers up to 15 and count to 40 with ease – she is constantly asking for maths questions!). We explored the rock pools and found lots of baby hermit crabs and fish. Both the girls loved climbing and swinging on the climbing frame. Grandma showed us her artistic flair with a beautiful horse sand drawing. We could have amused ourselves for hours and hours… ah, good ‘ole simple fun.

Here’s hoping the positivity continues! It was certainly a delight to see them so happy to return and the house was very, very quiet this morning. Mum, Dad and I headed off to pick up the baby car-seat and then had a lovely morning tea at ‘The Bach’ at Island Bay.
Only two week’s till due date! Feeling very excited and just can’t wait to get going and meet this baby! We’re now decided on a boy’s name, but have a list of girl’s names as long as my arm. If baby is a girl we are hoping she offers us some divine inspiration on her arrival! The other night, we had a fun evening on Facebook with friends suggesting a number of wonderful girl’s names…
Aimee Rose Lee
Ava Rose Lee
Anya Rose Lee (yes we really like Rose as a middle name – and if it’s a Valentine baby girl then it would be a most befitting name)
Other suggestions….
Kate Lee
Jessica Lee
Jasmine Lee
Ruby Lee
If baby is a boy then we love Archie David Lee (Archie for my Grandfather, David for my Dad and of course Dan’s family is represented in the surname).
Ah well, girls sound asleep and I should really head that way too. My energy levels are still super good and I find it impossible to sit down (except to write blog posts!). Charli is enjoying having two pianists in the house to personally play her melodies as she drifts off to sleep (my Mum and I have been entertaining the troops on the piano).
We’re looking forward to more sunshine over the weekend and are trying not to think about Granddad having to fly home on Sunday evening 🙁 – alas work beckons for him.