On Tuesday we headed out to the Botanical Gardens in gloriously, hot sunshine. We parked at the top of the cable car, with a plan to walk all down hill, via the playground, duck pond, Sound Shell, Rose Gardens and into the city, before riding the cable car back up. However, poor Sophie had a painful accident in the Begonia House by the Rose Gardens, which eventuated in us walking back up the hill. She fell back on a ‘sandwich’ board and trapped three fingers in-between the metal as it slammed shut. At first we thought she’d just fallen backwards, but then she cried out, ‘My fingers!’. I quickly lifted the board (with her still lying on it) to free her crushed fingers and then lifted her into my arms. Poor love was so lucky not to break anything, but that was the first thing that raced in my mind as I examined her bruised fingers and bandaged them up. She was incredibly brave, though naturally very stunned. She sat on Granddad’s shoulders as we walked back up the hill and had such sorrowful eyes. At the top we paused for a snack and some pick-me-up lemonade before heading back towards home.
On the way we pulled in just past Ohiro Bay to sit on the beach in awe at the fog dancing around the hills. There was a fantastic photograph in The Dominion Post on Wednesday. The Wellington coastline is always so dramatic and it’s really breathtaking to be able to watch the weather change.

Thankfully the fog didn’t change the temperature and back at home it was a hot afternoon, just perfect for playing in the garden. After a little rest Sophie’s fingers seemed to be improving, so much so that she managed to carry buckets of warm water from the sink to the little paddling pool to make an outdoor bath with her big sister! The girls have had such a blast together this summer hols. It’s hard to believe they’ll be going their separate ways to school and kindi next week.