What to do on a wet and windy summer Saturday? Get out the paints and get messy! We spent two hour’s on Saturday morning stepping in plates of paint and then soaking our feet in buckets of warm, soapy water to create a huge ‘Welcome’ banner for Grandma and Granddad’s arrival from the UK tomorrow (Monday) morning!

We are beyond excited!
Thank goodness that the weather looks fine for their flight into Wellington tomorrow – it would have been rather horrid to have flown in on Saturday. Our summer really is utter plop this year (and as the media headlines report, it isn’t set to improve), but myself and the girls are in the fortunate position of being able to grab the good days when they come. We really feel for Dan (along with other Monday to Friday workers) when the sun shines mid-week and then is diabolical come the weekend.
We’ve used the weather poor days to really blitz areas of the house that needed a sort-out and feel ultra organised for bubs arrival in a few week’s time. The girls have really loved having time to play together at home and I haven’t had the usual summer ritual of shaking out copious sand from the boot of the car every day and whizzing the wet gear through the wash.
This is what Sophie thinks of a wet summer Saturday….

She spent the afternoon making chocolate fudge brownies with her Daddy and playing board games, whilst Charli and I went out to the supermarket to stock the cupboards. We also came home with a four-rack toaster – a seriously overdue upgrade. Now I just need a bigger freezer… the current shoe-box sized one just isn’t cutting it with the increasing appetites of my growing brood!
I don’t know how much blogging is going to happen whilst my folks are here, but they’ll be periodic updates. They fly into Welly at 10am tomorrow morning and I shall be thinking of them as I try to sleep tonight. We’ve been tracking their flight using ‘Flight Aware’ and right now they are a little over eight hour’s away from landing in Auckland!