After a blast of summery sunshine on Sunday the clouds have rolled in with perfect timing for the Christmas countdown to commence. The heavy rain clouds filling the sky make a befitting backdrop for twinkling lights. It’s normally rare to see their sparkle much before 9pm at this time of year; but the downpour has given many an excuse to get out the tree early and unpack those annual treasures. Facebook friends reliably back me up and I do not stand alone in my early erection of the tree. The truth is, we don’t need an excuse to put up the decorations as we simply can’t resist. The shops have been adorned for weeks and Wellington’s Christmas parade has long gone. The children have been asking, ‘When? When? Can we?’ for days and so we’ve joined the club and gone tinsel tastic.

I fondly recall the unpacking of the decorations from my childhood. Lovingly wrapped in tissue paper from the year before, it is with great excitement that little fingers pull back the layers to peek inside. Charli, at six year’s of age, is now beginning to remember certain decorations and the stories behind them. For Sophie, at nearly four, each decoration still holds a halo of newness. For me, I have my own little memories of my children’s Christmases thus far. It is always a time of reflection and marvel at how much they’ve changed and grown in just a year.

Barely a corner, shelf or window ledge has been left untouched this year.
The hall way is decked with a tree of its own.

The fish are happily blowing bubbles to their own Christmas tune. The stairway is home to an assortment of cuddly charmers (just waiting for someone to trip up on them), including a singing Frosty the Snowman (which I’ll be glad to box up again by January).

In the lounge a touch of ice and snow adorns the tree, with white and glass frosted hearts adorning the branches. The miniature nativity scene, which graces the piano top, is calling out to us to gather round and sing some carols.

There are glittering reindeer on the window ledges and arrangements of sparkles in vases dotted around. I have ideas to hang driftwood, adorned with baubles, above the dinner table. Ah, the delights of Christmas. The build-up and anticipation is equally as fun as the day itself.
It’s just turned midnight and December 1st is in the room. Two excited children will seek out the first window on their advent calendar in the morning. Best I creep up the sleepy ladder myself and join the rest of the house in slumber. Those sleigh bells will soon be chiming in my sleep 🙂