Ever since we first looked after Rascal the rabbit, from Sophie’s Kindi, the girls have talked about doing it again. He’s a popular fellow, that’s for sure, as the Kindi is never short of volunteers to take him home for the weekend. Well, this weekend it was our turn and the girls counted down sleeps till Friday.

Sophie is thrilled to be looking after Rascal
We’ve had plenty of cuddles and giggles. He has had a full tour of the house and mastered going up and down stairs. He loves going through the play-tunnel and exploring in corners we are too big to crawl into. The girls have wrapped him up in his favourite blanket and fed him well. At night he’s slept happily in his hutch (which we bring into the kitchen) and during the day he enjoys the fresh air in the garden. Our cat, Blacky, has been keeping her distance and tolerated Rascal’s visit.
We adore Rascal and think he is the best pet. He makes no noise (apart from the occasional and funny thumping with his back paws), leaves his poo in his hutch and it’s all so easy to clean up. There are no surprise attacks with claws or teeth. He stretches out, peacefully, in the evening in perfect comfort. We can’t wait to have him again and would love to know what he thinks about all the homes he has visited and what it is like being a ‘Kindi’ rabbit. The girls will be very sad to take him back to Kindi tomorrow and will be sure to get their names on the volunteer roster at the first opportunity!

Sophie loving Rascal