What a delight to have our own strawberries to put in the school and kindi lunch-boxes. After breakfast the girls picked a few ripe ones from the garden and brought them in for a quick wash before popping them in their lunch-boxes. The sweetness of strawberries is such a seasonal treasure that evokes so many memories of childhood for me. My dear Grandfather was very green-fingered. Whenever we visited there were fresh delights from the garden to savour. Strawberries, grapes, tomatoes in abundance and when we were old enough we sampled his home-made red wine.

The weather has got milder in the past few weeks (though there is still quite a spring breeze blowing most days). With the warmer temperatures the garden is going ballistic with growth.

I so love this time of year. The Pohutukawa tree in the garden is full of buds and we shall be excited to see if they flower before Christmas. Last year, we awoke on Sophie’s Birthday (Boxing Day) to our first rich, red bloom.
Now we’re just waiting for our tomatoes and peas to bring forth a plentiful harvest. And, with a bit of luck, a few blueberries may make it to the table from our baby bushes.