Exercise wins over housework

This morning was so beautiful that the thought of sorting out any cupboards and attending to house-work was very unappealing. So, after doing a little food shopping I put on my comfy shoes and headed out for a walk. It was such a treat to be out walking by myself, with only the thoughts in my head and the sound of the waves for company. I thought back to when I was pregnant with Charli and would walk along by the coast talking to ‘bump’ about the beautiful scenery and nature aplenty. I couldn’t wait to show her everything. And when she was born we’d take many a stroll with her looking up at me from the pram as I rambled on, pointing as we went to the sky, waves, trees and birds.

This morning I felt so close to our new baby. I found myself thinking of the little soul I am carrying and how wonderful it will be to show him or her everything anew. The air felt so good on my face and the sun washed over me with its happy rays. By the time I got home the house-work was still there, but I thought, ‘What the heck, I’m going to have a self-indulgent shower and slather myself in body lotion; as I sure won’t have time for such indulgence when bubs arrives.’

There are only four and a half week’s till school and kindi break up for the summer hols. With Sophie happily settled into morning Kindi I have, for the first time in six year’s, every morning, Monday to Friday, to myself. I’ll get round to the Christmas preparations (deadline for economy post to UK is Monday!) and housework, but I am making sure I treat myself to a little ‘me’ time too. I reckon I deserve it. So last week I enjoyed a hair-cut, this week I’m finally getting around to having a ‘mole map’ done (hopefully all is well on that front) and next week I’m getting round to using a voucher for a massage that’s been sitting in my bag since April. And then there’s more practical appointments, like the dentist and pregnancy blood tests, to attend to. It’s great to have time to do all these things before the holiday season commences. I am so grateful and plan to make the most of it, as come February it will be a whole different story (but with lots of squishy cuddles too!).