It’s home from work we go…
We dig, dig, dig…

This was after school on Wednesday. I picked up three sacks of sand and then got the girls to help unload them into an old paddling pool (we have an identical one to fit on top as a lid). Anyone would think it was the middle of summer! They were certainly industrious.
Monday and Wednesday have been pretty good days here and it’s been fabulous to finally get out in the garden and cut the knee deep lawn (that was another job I tackled on Wednesday). The punga ferns are looking so lush after all the rain and it’s amazing the way the garden has changed in the three year’s since we moved to this house. When we moved in it was quite a new house (only five year’s old), with lots of lawn, but not much in terms of rich vegetation. Now there’s a beautiful abundant of natives bringing so much colour and bird life to our home.
So, in the hope of fine weather to come, we’re revving up for summer and ticking off the jobs to get the garden in tip top BBQ shape. Now I just need to do some serious sanding, varnishing and water blasting – I can feel overalls, a mask and goggles coming on… best to get it all done now before I reach third trimester whale proportions! Thankfully, Labour Weekend is upon us and the extra day will come in handy. Triple cross the fingers for a good forecast… looking good so far 🙂