When the sun is out, there is so much fun to be had in the great outdoors of New Zealand. Even though we live in a city (well in a suburb a 10-minute drive from the city) we have plenty of nature within our grasp. Whilst Charli was working hard at school and earning certificates for her great graphing skills (what a whiz), Sophie was out enjoying the delights on our doorstep. She also flew solo at Kindi this week and is loving it. So now I have 8 hour’s a week to catch up on chores and take a little exercise (yah!).
There are definite signs of spring around, with daffodils and poppies, buds on the blossom tress and longer daylight hours. Apart from Tuesday’s rain (well, I needed a day of rain to force me to attend to my indoor domestic jobs) we’ve had sun and temperatures of 13 to 15 degrees all week.
Sophie’s enjoyed some wonderful play-dates this week and is blossoming as such an independent, lively character with such a big heart. And Charli is thriving at school. Wednesday is our one day that Sophie has no afternoon Kindi, so we are free to walk up to school to pick Charli up. It was fabulous to watch her run down through the valley with her fellow school friends. In under two years Charli and Sophie will be able to walk to school and back together, like other siblings do at the school. There are a number of Charli’s school friends on our road. And we’re all looking forward to welcoming bubs into our lives next February (reached twelve week’s now!). We can’t wait to hear the heart-beat for the first time in a few week’s – until then we are just hoping all is going well – my expanded waistline and inability to wear anything other than maternity clothes in my wardrobe is a good sign!
This weekend promises to be a good one and will kick off with a visit to a local craft fair in Island Bay for me and a friend (also a friend is selling her wonderful children’s toys – that are so beautiful they can also be enjoyed as cheerful shelf sitters! Visit her blog – Poppetto). Dan is playing footie up near the University in Kelburn, near the Botanical Gardens, so Saturday is sorted. Sunday will shall enjoy chilling out around home and the beach – taking it easy.
Here’s the week in pictures:
Starfish hidden in the harbour waiting for keen eyes…

Gardens to run through and watch the seasons change…

Beaches to play on and brave a winter dip…

Exploring art, out and about (Wellington Writers Walk), and at The New Dowse (Sophie and her best girl-friend):

Play-dates in the sunshine, here at Lower Hutt park: