How old were you when you received your first bouquet of flowers?
Well, our dear Charli, walked out of her classroom on Friday, at the tender age of 5, with a big beamer on her face, carrying a beautiful bouquet of flowers…

Her friend (who is a boy) had organized (with a little help from his Mum, who happens to be a florist) for a beautiful bouquet to be sent to Charli at school. Charli said they were all busy doing their writing when the school secretary walked in with the flowers. Charli’s teacher read out the card, ‘To Charli, Have a Happy Birthday weekend, Love from her friend’ (the card had his name). Wow wheeeeee!
The previous Friday they’d walked into assembly together, with his arm protectively over her shoulder. And they’ve had two fabulous play dates together – oh my! When it was my turn to host the play date I picked them up from school and watched them running down the valley in energetic euphoria, occasionally reaching out to hold hands! Should I be worried?
They had a fabulous time, leaping on one another on the trampoline, tickling each other into submission and resting for a moment to discuss Star Wars. Poor Sophie really wanted to join in, but there was just no room for a third party. I managed to distract her away with the offer of scone making. By the time we’d finished baking the boy friend’s Mum arrived, with little sister in tow. Sophie was delighted to have someone to play with and the two girls quickly hit it off (they will both be starting school around the same time). They quickly retreated to Sophie’s bedroom to play horses and put a sign on the door saying, ‘No entry, Fairy magic in progress’. I also heard them say, ‘Keep the big kids out!’. Ahhh, never a dull day.
And to finish up I must borrow my cousin Christia’s ‘quote of the week’ that she puts at the bottom of every blog post, as I thought this was adorable;
Sophie was sat quietly in the car when all of a sudden she broke from her thoughts to say, ‘Mummy, there is just one difference between Granddad and me… I have hair and he doesn’t!’. Awwww, poor Granddad (who does actually have a very elegant fine sprinkle of silver hair). I love that though the girls Grandparents live overseas, they are still very much at the forefront of their minds. The connection is still there and still strong, no matter the distance.