Kindi tastic for Sophie

Little Miss Sophie (sometimes known as ‘Little Miss Fickle’ or ‘Little Miss Contrary’) is loving her new Kindergarten (yee ha!). We have been visiting this week and it looks like we’ll be signing up. Four 2-hour sessions a week. Warm, welcoming teachers. A change of activities every session. Enthusiasm and creativity abound. A lovely mixture of physical, creative, logical, musical and holistic activities. The natural environment is celebrated with random baskets of gemstones, feathers and plants. A rabbit is happy to call Kindi his home and it looks like Little Miss Sophie is too!

She is already starting to make friends and has accepted the kind offering of a gifted collage and some spacey home-made glasses. She is the life and soul of the party when the call of, ‘Anyone want to join in music time?’ is rung out. She is enthusiastically telling everyone, ‘I’m a big Kindi girl now’. And she carries her Kindi bag on her back with pride.