Poor Charli had a Mary Poppins moment this morning – with a very bumpy landing! Lets just say windy Wellington + a child + umbrella = DISASTER! She got lifted up in a gust of wind and flew the length of a car before landing with a big bump. Her teachers were fantastic in comforting her and making her see the funny side of her painful Mary Poppins moment!
Dominion Post – Wild weather sweeps country
Sophie and I retreated from the wind to the sanctuary of the rec centre in Kilbirnie, where we both enjoyed a two hour roller blading session – phew – quite an exhilarating work-out!
We’re now tucked up at home where we’ve discovered the most awesome learning to read resource on-line – anyone with preschoolers, or children learning to read, should check out – ABC Reading Eggs – for a free trial. Sophie absolutely loves it!
I hear a call for paints… so I’m off to dish out the colours now…
UPDATE: Charli was so happy when I picked her up from school – all her classmates wanted to have a go with her umbrella at morning tea time – but were unsuccessful in their flying attempts – well, she is a serious light weight – all 15kg of her!
And this arrived via e-mail this morning…. [19 May]:
This is Grandma and Granddad here. We have had the most extraordinary day!
This morning the sky went cloudy, a huge snow storm came, then a high wind and – you would not believe it – you will just have to look for yourself.
How far did you say Charli went with her umbrella?
Love to you all from,
Grandma and Granddad