Last Thursday was Dan’s Birthday and having been out the Saturday before for some dance action, it was more about the simple delights of celebrating for the love of it! The girls are of an age when Birthdays equate to party, cake, candles and balloons. Needless to say; they were excited.
Charli didn’t really want to go to school in case she missed anything, despite me insisting that nothing was happening till after school – after all it was a work day for ‘Daddy O’! Anyway, she did go. I gave her a cuddle as the bell went and she clung to my neck, her legs wrapped up on my lap, as we sat on the mat. A lovely teacher aide whispered to Charli to come and sit by her, saying, ‘When you’re ready Charli, you can come and sit next to me.’ And I was so proud of Charli’s bravery in doing so, with the reassurance from me that I’d be there to pick her up a little earlier and bake cakes for Daddy O.
When I picked Charli up she was beaming and so happy. She’d had a great day and couldn’t wait to get busy baking and decorating…

The girls loved filling up balloons with treats, attached to a long line of elastic bands to ping, noisily around the room, before finally popping them… (yah! lolly scramble – with a few healthy raisins in the mix!).

They had streamers and balloons strewn round the lounge, presents on the table and couldn’t WAIT for Daddy O to get home. When he did, close to 7pm, we hid behind the sofa (he told me later that he thought we’d gone up to bed and that he’d be in the dog house).
We screamed with every decibel possible, before all three of us rugby tackled him to the ground.
The cake(s) went down a treat and the girls were SO excited to see him open his presents. The photos and video-clip speak for themselves….

Before viewing the video-clip I should mention that Dan’s bare-chested – shocking! Reason being… poor Birthday boy wasn’t blessed with the best weather on his Birthday. Lots of meetings in heavy down-pours and running for the bus home eventuated in one, very wet chap walking through the door. The girls had waited patiently for hours to watch him blow out the candles. The extra minute or two it would have taken for him to run upstairs and grab a clean shirt just wasn’t going to happen! So… off with your shirt Mr. Lee. Thanks for being the most wonderful husband, father and bread-winner! We love you so much!