On Friday we drove over to Seatoun to do one of our favourite short walks in Wellington; the Seatoun-Breaker Bay beach walk. There was a stiff northerly blowing in as we embarked on the walk and the girls were marvellous considering the conditions. They were rugged up warm, unlike Dan and I in our shorts (we both got our legs whipped by sand in the wind!).

Thankfully, as we drew round the wild, rugged corner to Breaker Bay beach we were sheltered from the stiff wind and ambled along the fine, pebbled beach, with Sophie delighting in the way her feet sank into the sand. Charlotte looked up at the cliffs protecting us from the gale and watched in awe at the dramatic sky above us.

As we made our way up onto the cliffs the full force of the elements struck us once more. Dan and I have often walked in the hills of England in all weathers and never felt anything but wild exhilaration and a real sense of being truly alive in nature. It was joyous to see the girls feel that same sense of exhilaration as the rain fell on their faces and the wind buffered them along. We were so proud of them.

In parts the track was narrow, with steep drops to one side. The vegetation towered over their heads and they looked at it with such a sense of adventure and spirit. Every cell of their bodies was truly alive with the greatest gift of all; being at one, in the moment, with nature.

When we reached the cliff top they ran in joy along the open track and down the inclines. It is such a wild, rugged coastline with so much spirit. The passages of water of the Cook Strait, as they enter Wellington harbour, have seen the fate of many a ship and it’s as though the spirits call out in the wind.
As for our girls – they’ve shown us they can really do it! Their legs are strong, as it their spirit, and so we’ll be looking forward to planning more walks in the near future!
[The Wellington Museum of City to Sea exhibits is worth a visit for those interested in maritime history.]