I am so full of emotions tonight. It’s been tough letting go of my first born to a system where, due to numbers, children are molded to doing ‘x, y and z’ when told – how else would it be possible to contain so many free spirits within one room!
The end term heralds in the end of being told when to eat, when to line up, when to sit, when to dance, when to write, when to read, when to listen, when to talk, when to be silent. In the real world we have choices. We either accept and surrender to a situation or we find a way out and a new path forward. Children in the school system have very little freedom to move. I feel the pain of my daughter, because I can remember it so well myself. I had so many questions to ask, but so little time to say them, or for them to be truly listened to in school (though thankfully I had the good fortune of the most amazing parents that always gave me every minute they could to listen to my endless thoughts and philosophies!).
I have spent the past two terms compromising between encouraging my daughter to push past some of her emotions and find a way of coping within the bounds that she’s been placed and also encouraging her to stand her ground and voice her opinions. I have found myself being her advocate at times and supporting her in opinions that go against the grain of the system and letting her know that though we don’t always agree or feel comfortable in a situation, there are times when we have to simply do our best.
We are all so relieved the summer holidays are here. We are free to learn about our world without confines. We can eat together when we are hungry, not when we are told to do so. We can dance, sing and jump when our bodies yearn for creative movement and expression. We can write and read for hours on end, until out hearts and minds feel at peace, with no bell to tell us to ‘stop’ – what mind can feel comfortable with that?! We can wonder for hours on the beach and the bush, taking in every perfect detail with no crowds and pressures to disturb our oneness with the paradise of nature.

Two sisters are free to be creative once more. No forced separation at 9am. They will be free to continue their beautiful creativity and build on their special bond that will hopefully live long in both emotional and physical health.
Two parents able to embrace the parenthood they signed up for on their children’s conception and while away hours in simple pleasures.
Hurray for the holidays! We’ve been so hanging out for them for many weeks and are so relieved they are finally here!