What a day! Phew – it’s been magic and just as we’re thinking about retiring to bed our thoughts are far away with all our dear folks and friends in the Northern Hemisphere just tucking into a day of festive frolics! Thank you so much to our dear family and friends who have blessed us with such lovely delights this Christmas Day (proper thank you scrawl coming, via snail mail, in the New Year!).

It was a late one last night… 2am before we finally gave up on Sing Star and forced ourselves to get some shut eye (we had the best fun!). Morning came all too quick, around 7.30am, and thankfully the day has been blessed with glorious sunshine. The girls have had a ball playing the garden (I even braved it in the paddling pool!) and we enjoyed a lovely walk down to our local playground at midday. They have been absolute stars for us all day and we had the most fun we’ve had in years. No naps to time things round, no dirty nappies and the beginnings (ha, ha!) of table manners in place helped immensely, ha, ha, ho, ho!

Hope you’ve all had a fabulous day and here’s a little video of our magic moments (particularly for dear family and friends to enjoy – oh, how we’d love to share the fun with you all, but you were certainly, very much, in our thoughts).
Now, have we enough puff left to blow up some balloons?! Sophie’s 3rd Birthday tomorrow, Boxing Day!