Today was New Zealand’s National Election. It was also Charli’s school fair – with a polling booth on site. Whilst Dan was busy running the bouncy castle, I was trying not to lose the girls in the throngs of people who came to enjoy the sunshine, support the school and, of course, vote.

TV One were out and about early this morning to talk to voters… but most of the crowd at the fair were a little too young to vote and decisions were based on what colour jelly to eat. See if you can spot Charli on National TV enjoying her jelly!
The camera man asked Sophie to reenact her golfing game earlier on, but she gave a typical response for a two-year old, ‘No’ (even the offer of an extra lollipop wasn’t going to bribe her!). Later on, whilst we were debating jelly colours we were again approached, but Sophie had already completed her transaction and had her jelly safe in hand, so Charli stepped up to the mark and proved she wasn’t in the least bit camera shy (comes from having a Mummy blogger!).
We all had a wonderful day and the girls were beautiful together. Charli was so excited to have her very own purse and money. She cradled it so carefully and was eager to pay for Sophie to enjoy some games and help her win them too! I was most impressed that she actually had some money left in her purse at the end of the fair. She told me she was putting that money towards her savings for a pair of roller-blades (I can only hope her money-wise attitude continues through into her teenage years and beyond!).

And Dan made a brilliant contribution to the fair by manning the bouncy castle, which he reported was most lucrative:

The icing on the cake: A phone call at 6pm to say Charli had won a large jar of wine gums on ‘guess how many in the jar.’ She picks it up from the office at school on Monday – and will hopefully share with her class!