Days like these remind me why I heart Wellington

There are always ups and downs and I have them aplenty. It wouldn’t matter where I lived, I’d still have them. Sometimes, it’s easier to blame where I am for the downs and not ‘where I’m at’ personally. Often, it’s ‘me’ that’s the problem and not the surrounds. Though when a cold southerly batters our home for day’s on end it certainly is fair to blame a little of the blues on the weather and wish to be on a tropical island or on the other side of the world with family!

However, when Wellington throws in a couple of glorious day’s of weather I really am grateful and my whole being resonates with light and happiness. The past two day’s have really been heaven sent (though my young seedlings will tell you otherwise and have been grateful for some careful watering!).

Whilst Charli’s been enjoying lots of outdoor play on the school field, Sophie and I have been meeting up with friends at Oriental Parade.

The water is crystal clear and extremely enticing for young souls… (though the temperature of the water makes it for only the brave, crazy, naive or sensibly togged in a thermal wet-suit!). Here’s SJ taking a Spring dip – and I’d say she’s a beautiful mixture of brave, crazy and a touch naive! I admire her spirit!

After school today, I took the girls into town for the Halloween festivities in Civic Square this evening and everyone was out enjoying the sunshine. Let’s just say it didn’t feel at all about ‘Halloween’ (see below) and was, though theatrically impressive, not a patch on last year’s medieval theme. The girls, particularly Charli, were most confused and disappointed.

I couldn’t wait for a beer and to see Dan! We’ve only been out together one night in three year’s and it was a perfect evening for sitting out with the one you love and dining the night away! It won’t be long now though as SJ is finally going to sleep without me on the increasing occasion I venture out with my friends… so we’re hoping it won’t be too long before she’s happy to go to sleep for a ‘baby-sitter’. She loves her ‘baaboo’ too much!

UPDATE: Check out Marrisa’s post on ‘Hallow een?‘ as she sums up my thoughts on tonight’s ‘performance’ at Capital E perfectly! It’s so darn strange trying to do Halloween in Spring when it’s so wrapped up with traditions surrounding the Autumn Equinox. These days commercialization has taken over and it’s plain daft! Give me bobbing apples with the Girl Guides, wrapped up in a scarf and hat, candles and simple fun any day! Check out the home of Halloween – the true home – Ireland – for some real traditions! Perhaps Capital E could go Irish next year – but in NZ’s Autumn not Spring! – Then I could get really stuck into my toffee apple!