We’ve received so many beautiful photographs from family overseas this year and all of them very much make us ‘wish we were there’. Life here in NZ is simple, easy and very, very pleasurable. We’ve been here since August 1996 (Dan) and February 1997 (Sarah) with a year living back in the UK (1998/1999) and we don’t have a bad word to say about our time here. The only, very major, factor in not making it all perfect is being so far away from a very wonderful and large family in the UK.
Here are a few of our favourite photos received this year from Sarah’s folks….
Sarah’s Dad with his brothers, sisters (and respective spouses!) at a family wedding:
Sarah’s cousin, Graham, with his family on his wedding day:
Sarah’s Aunt and Uncle celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary with their children and grandchildren:
Snow in April – Sarah’s parent’s house and where she grew up:
Sarah’s sister with her boyfriend, Mike, and Sarah’s Mum in Swansea:
Bath and West Agricultural Show:
Sarah’s sister climbing in Spain:
Sarah’s sister with her boyfriend Mike and Sarah’s Mum and Dad on a walk along the Pilgrim’s Way the other side of Guildford past the lovely little church of St Martha’s which sits alone overlooking the whole of the North Downs. They are standing by a field full of alpacas just down from the church:
Hampton Court and Bushy Park on Boxing Day 2007 – where Sarah’s Mum and Dad enjoyed a 7 mile walk around the gorgeous park and saw deer and swans, parakeets in the trees and ice skating on the put up rink by Hampton Court:
Thank you family for sharing so many beautiful moments. We really do wish we could have been there.