Heartbreaking news about Spanish plane tragedy

This morning I sat with Sophie in a cafe to have a coffee and a read of the paper (well, juice and bagel for Sophie!) and turned to the ‘World’ section to read in horror of the Spain plane crash. My deepest sympathies go out to all the families affected. It is such heartbreaking news.

Living on the other side of the world from our loved ones means we depend on air-travel to be united. Knowing that ‘statistically’ flying by air is one of the safest means of travel never does anything to quell my nerves when I board a flight – or when one of my loved ones is in the air. I’d rather take a cruise – but the luxury of having six week’s time to float across the world – have a holiday with our loved ones – and then take another six week’s to float back is something we don’t have.

I feel so very sad for everyone affected by this recent tragedy.

Sophie and I went to meet up with Marrisa after our morning coffee, but my mind was still on the crash and my hormones are at that difficult time of the month. I couldn’t shake myself into being myself with my mind so distracted. Sophie and I took some time to play at Petone foreshore on the way home and the fresh sea-air tried hard to blow my head clear – but I still feel low. Having children of my own makes me feel so much more deeply for families when affected by tragedy, illness, hunger or war.

Ah well, it is lunch time here and Sophie and I are going to pick up Charli from school in an hour, so I must put aside my feelings and put on my best ‘Mummy smile’. Their little worlds are so far removed from the chaos of the world. They often see me reading the newspaper and ask, ‘What’s happening in the world today?’. I leaf through the paper looking for a positive story to share – but sadly there are very few I can read that they would yet be able to understand – or emotionally handle. Thankfully, someone has set up a blog that reports only good news… visit ‘Operation Nice‘ for a mood lift and some positive inspiration!

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