Friday morning was Charli’s last day at Kindi and full of emotions. We’ve seen her grow in confidence and independence. We are so grateful to the dedication and support the teachers have tirelessly given in helping our little girl blossom in readiness for school. The foundation stones have been set and strong ones they are indeed.
The morning was spent as a family enjoying Charli’s send off. The Kindi put on a beautiful little ceremony for their ‘graduates’. Charli spent the morning making a cherished Birthday hat and a play-dough cake. Dan, Sophie and I had a wonderful time with Charli’s fellow class-mates and teachers. There is a wonderful group of children going up to the same school next term and Charli is very fortunate to be in such great company.
She was quite overwhelmed with all the attention, but coped very well and we are so proud of her. Sophie was impeccably well behaved also. Prior to the send-off Sophie sat with Charli on the mat for stories and is more than ready to start Kindi herself! Charli was so proud of her little sister and leaned over to stroke her hair a couple of times.
After a round of Happy Birthday and Happy School Days, Charli was presented with her ‘Diploma of Excellence’ (how cute!) and gave each of her friends a big hug as they said their individual farewells.
Here’s a little video-clip of a very special milestone for us and Charli…