Charli turns five!

Wow! It’s a biggie! Five year’s old and Charli had an awesome Birthday. She woke before Sophie and waited patiently for her little sister to wake before opening her presents. Sophie loves unwrapping things and Charli was so kind in giving her sister some of her cards and presents to open. We’d decorated the house in preparation for her party in the afternoon and then headed out to Petite Ballet. Dan stayed at home and worked flat out on the final preparations, including turning the garage into a fairy den for the party tea!

The party started at 2pm and at 2.30pm Harry the Clown arrived! Charli has seen him previously at a summer fair at MacKay’s Crossing at Queen Elizabeth Park and loved him. She really enjoyed being star of the show and played up to it like a pro! Sophie enjoyed watching the entire show cuddled up in the arms of our neighbour’s son.

After the entertainment and a few games we headed through to the garage for a feast and the all important cake. Dan had strung up balloons and fairy lights and done an amazing job in laying the table with little surprises of bubbles and party blowers under the hats.

Everything went brilliantly and it was a magic day. Charli loved the Cinderella dress-up ‘Chicken Grandma and Grandad’ had sent and wore it all day – even to bed and to a friend’s Birthday the next morning! Coincidently ‘Cinderella’ was on TV for ‘Movie Night’ so Charli sat and watched that before finally falling asleep, with her head full of happy dreams, at 9pm! She was really amazed at turning 5 and so excited about starting school. She kept saying, ‘But I don’t really feel any different, how do we turn a year older?’. Her little mind is whirling. It seems only yesterday, in many ways, that she was a newborn baby. We can really see time speeding up before our eyes now – and yet her first year seemed to be a long journey into the world of parenthood – now we’re well and truly riding the passage of time and loving every special moment.

Thank you so much to everyone for the wonderful cards, pressies and well-wishes. It means so much to us all.