Saturdays are busy at Chez Lee these day. Ballet lessons for Charli, soccer for Dan and a horse ride for Sophie are fast becoming the norm (Mum just needs to fit in a yoga session somewhere and we’d be sorted!).
Sunday was tres relaxed. Our good friend Lucy took Charli out for the morning to watch ‘Horton Hears a Who‘ at the cinema in Lower Hutt. They had a blast, ate lots of popcorn, drank lemonade, sat right at the front with their necks craned and Charli got the pick of the car seats there and back (on the sea side for best view of potential whales and dolphins in the harbour).
Meanwhile, Dan, Sophie and I enjoyed a very relaxing stroll down to Lyall Bay. We played on the beach for hours and enjoyed refreshments (and a ride on the camel for Sophie) at The Maranui Cafe. Took several lovely photographs…
In the afternoon we all went down to the Splash Pool at Kilbirnie. It was surprisingly quiet (the sunshine must have kept the masses at bay) and we lounged in the warm water with the sun streaming through the windows for close to two hours!). Dan and Charli explored the larger pool, whilst Sophie and I spent the entire time in the toddler pool – where I enjoyed stretching out.
A perfect weekend.